The Other Shore by Nikita Pirogov

Issue 25

The Other Shore project is a poetic diary i am working on for the last three years. It consist of photography, video, based on the idea of slow-motion, objects, work with exhibition space as part of the exhibition, sound and the texts. I am looking for the flexible synthetic form, which can combine different arts. Photography is the main medium, which connects all another parts. The title is the main image : when you stay on the one Shore you can not see the other, but only the waves, which go far away. But i know, that on the Other Shore somebody else is also waiting. The main idea is about communication in general as between people and their surrounding as well as between different arts.

The Other Shore

Do not go deep in a forest- you will get lost
All the paths lead to the swamp.
All the beasts from the forest go there
And ferns and juniper
Stand along those trails.

And ferns and juniper
And clearings covered with heather
With the premonition of the morning mist.

In the deepest part of the forest
Near the lake overgrown by moss
You will find only the traces
of a twilight deer
and the abandoned den of the bear.

Do not go into the thicket- you will get lost
And will stay on the other shore.

As you stay on the other shore You will not notice a winter coming.

As you don't notice a winter coming
You will hide in a den of the bear.

As you hide in a den of the bear
You will fall into endless sleep.

If you do wake up , then do know- nobody is here
Do not wait for anyone, do not wait.

And do not hope to find another way
in a mist.

Nikita Pirogov is a Saint-Petersburg, Russia based artist
To view more of Nikita's work, please visit his website



Melting Ice 

Melting Ice 

Stone In Water 

Stone In Water 

Autumn Flower 

Autumn Flower 







Autumn Water 

Autumn Water 

Mosquito Bites  

Mosquito Bites  



Hand in the Hollow 

Hand in the Hollow 



Women on the Beach 

Women on the Beach 

Clouds and the Field 

Clouds and the Field 

Birches in the Snow 

Birches in the Snow 

