At Dusk by Vania Evangelique

Issue 170

Characterized by warm tones, darkened skin, and golden yellows, At Dusk creates moments of stillness, a feeling of endings into new beginnings, all connected to place and relationships that are and are no longer.

As an artist, Vania Evangelique practices the art of stillness into these images by becoming fully immersed in the moment and allowing the place and people to tell a story all on its own. Not only does this work give us a glimpse into the artist's everyday life, but it also works to highlight moments that are often experienced by every person. From a walk in the park. To the smell of flowers. To a sunset outside of your fire escape.

This work is characterized by natural and existing light in the scene, working with minimal manipulation to allow light to tell a story of its own. The light, makes its own mood that, when sat with long enough, lets you become part of the story too.

This work not only glimpses into a more dynamic and vulnerable story, but revels in the personhood of it, that is often found in the mundane, transitional and sometimes stretching processes of life.

Vania Evangelique (she/her) lives in Pittsburgh, PA.


All images © Vania Evangelique